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A Haida Wedding

by Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson

Heritage House Publishing
Publication date
Jan 2024
Family Studies, Social Studies
arts and culture, connectedness to culture, cultural teachings, reclaiming culture & traditions, traditional knowledge
Grade Levels
8 to 12
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jan 2024
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Descriptive Review

With photographs and prose, the authors share about a Haida ceremony that has not taken place for 100 years. Under the Indian Act, the government outlawed First Nations ceremonies for 66 years, so when Robert and Terri-Lynn decided to get married they chose to revitalize the traditional ceremony of marriage. This story contains the seven steps of guud ‘inna Gihl, which translates to becoming married. This began with Robert seeking permission to marry Terri-Lynn, a great deal of planning, and making connections with Ancestors and Elders. Many decisions came from researching the recordings of ethnographers and anthropologist. When Terry-Lynn and Rober were unsure of the information, they would go to Elders and community Knowledge Keepers. The couple took a great deal of care in honouring the Ancestors while also making parts relevant to today.

Readers of this book will be immersed within this example of ceremony, reciprocity, and responsibility demonstrated through song, drumming, dancing, gift giving, and feasting.

Other End Matter: Glossary of Haida vocabulary and Clans, individual, place, other names, and photo credits
Images: Colour photographs, B&W photographs, cover and interior book design by Setareh Ashrafologhalai
Contributor Affiliation: Authors Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson (Haida) and Robert Davidson (Haida), Editor the Haida Nation
Bibliography: Yes
Index: No

Evaluator: Meredith R., Elementary School Teacher, Indigenous Books for Schools

About the author

Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson is an activist through art and music, and also through law. Born in Haida Gwaii, Terri-Lynn has been a promoter of Haida music and culture since the age of thirteen. Since 1995, she has successfully represented the Haida Nation at all levels of court, including the Supreme Court of Canada. In 2014, she received the West Coast Environmental Law People's Choice Andrew Thompson Award for environmental advocacy. In 2000, she founded the Haida Gwaii Singers Society with other veteran Haida singers including her husband, artist Robert Davidson. For her music, she has received multiple Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards and several nominations for Aboriginal People’s Choice Awards, Canadian Folk Music Awards, a Western Canadian Music Award, and Native American Music Awards. An effective advocate, she integrates cultural knowledge and an Indigenous voice into her legal work. For more information, visit

Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson's profile page