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Always Beginning

The Big Bang, the Universe, and You

by Candace Savage

illustrated by Rachel Wada

Greystone Books Ltd
Publication date
Apr 2024
English Language Arts, Science
connectedness to nature, environment, interconnectedness, spirit and spirituality
Grade Levels
2 to 5
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2024
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

Have you ever gazed up at the stars and wondered how you or the universe got here? The reader is invited to ponder these questions while the origins of the universe are revealed through mesmerizing poetry: “All of us at home under these dancing stars . . . Plantesimals spiced the briny soup, soon simmering with life . . . Each new day holds tomorrow tight in its arms . . . everything, everything always beginning.” This powerful picture book encourages readers to envision how the story of the universe is their story, where planets and stars came from, and how life on Earth evolved. This book sparks ideas for creative writing, poetry, and science units. Two end pages and a timeline condense this complicated scientific theory into tangible summaries of scientific eras.

Savage is an award-winning author of over 24 books. Wada, a prolific artist and illustrator from Vancouver, expresses her Japanese/Chinese heritage through magical illustrations.

Other End Matter: Timeline, author note explaining evolution
Images: Colour illustrations
Bibliography: No
Index: No

Evaluator: Denise N., High School Librarian, BC Books for Schools

About the authors

Candace Savage is the author of numerous internationally acclaimed books on subjects ranging from natural history and science to popular culture. She is the author of the best-selling natural history titles Bird Brains: The Intelligence of Crows, Ravens, Magpies and Jays and Prairie: A Natural History, for which she won two Saskatchewan Book Awards and a Gold Medal from ForeWord Magazine in 2004. She is also a frequent contributor to numerous periodicals, including Canadian Geographic. She lives in Saskatoon, SK.

Candace Savage's profile page

Rachel Wada's profile page