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by Payam Ebrahimi

illustrated by Reza Dalvand

Greystone Books Ltd
Publication date
Apr 2024
Arts Education, English Language Arts, Physical and Health Education
art, family, identity, relationships, individuality
Grade Levels
2 to 6
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2024
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

Abtin is part of the Moleski family, known for their generations of athletic prowess and distinguished by their common traits: a mole over above their upper lip and unsmiling faces. Abtin appears to have none of these traits. Family members do all that they can to help Abtin live up to their lineage of athletic champions. Abtin placates his family’s efforts to change him and endures his father’s disappointment and berating, all the while pursuing his own passions and interests. In the end, Abtin does what he believes to be the only thing to appease his family: he paints bright red smiles on the photos of their frowning faces and a matching mole on his own face. A redeeming message of staying true to oneself prevails.

Through full- and double-page spreads, bold colours, and ample whitespace, Dalvand’s artwork complements and extends the text. Colour, scale, and perspective are specifically used to capture characters’ demeanours, portray emotions, and depict relationships.

Other End Matter: None
Images: Colour illustrations
Bibliography: No
Index: No

Evaluator: Jennifer W., Literacy Educator And Administrator, BC Books for Schools

About the authors

Payam Ebrahimi was born in Tehran. He has a degree in nuclear physics, but has worked as a graphic artist, journalist, and filmmaker. He has written numerous books for children and adolescents, and lives in Tehran.

Payam Ebrahimi's profile page

Reza Dalvand is a member of the Iranian Society of Illustrators and has published more than 15 picture books in Iran, Europe, and Asia. He lives in Tehran.

Reza Dalvand's profile page