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How to Become an Accidental Activist

by Elizabeth MacLeod & Frieda Wishinsky

illustrated by Jenn Playford

Orca Book Publishers
Publication date
Apr 2021
Career Education, Science, Social Studies
Grade Levels
4 to 7
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2021
    List Price
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2021
    List Price
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jun 2024
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

This nonfiction collection of stories about activists from around the globe frames important steps for intermediate students to think about making positive change. Past and current events in our world often lead to classroom dialogue around social justice and environmental issues, and as students develop awareness and understanding, they begin to think about ways that they might make a difference. How to Become an Accidental Activist supports student learning about human rights and complex global problems that require international cooperation to make difficult choices for the future. Leadership and volunteer opportunities arise in Career Education, as students apply learning around local and global needs, global citizenship, and problem-solving, as inspired by this text.

128 pp., 9 × 7.5", colour photographs and illustrations • Index

Source: Association of Book Publishers of BC - BC Books for Schools (2021-2022)

About the authors

Liz is one nosy author, which is why she loves writing non-fiction. She’s very curious about why people do what they do, and likes sharing with kids the amazing facts and secrets that she uncovers.As a kid in Thornhill, Ontario, the idea of being a writer never crossed Liz’s mind—she figured most authors were already dead and they definitely weren’t Canadian. Besides, it was science that interested Liz.But writing was already part of Liz’s life. After dinner on school nights, Liz and her two brothers would trudge up to their rooms, close their doors and start to do their homework—or so their parents thought. A few minutes later, a piece of paper would come sliding under Liz’s door. One of her brothers had drawn a picture, usually of some weird creature.Liz really couldn’t draw (still can’t!), so the only way she could respond was to write a short story, often about a mad scientist or space alien. She would slip the story under her brother’s door and—well, not a lot of homework got done.At university, Liz studied sciences—there was hardly any writing involved at all. But after university, she was hired as an editor at OWL magazine, where she could combine writing and her love of science. But it wasn’t long before Liz had a goal: to write a book. Her first one was about lions and since then she’s written more than fifty others.Royal Murder: The Deadly Intrigue of Ten Sovereigns (2008) is one of her favourite books because royalty has always fascinated Liz. She loved going behind the scenes with monarchs from Cleopatra to Dracula to find out just what they would do to hold onto power or protect their families.Bones Never Lie: How Forensics Helps Solve History’s Mysteries (2013) was the winner of numerous awards, including the Crime Writers of Canada 2014 Arthur Ellis Award in the Juvenile/YA category. Liz’s latest book with Annick Press, Galloping Through History: Incredible True Horse Stories (Spring 2015), combines, once again, her outstanding storytelling skills with her passion for history. This time her love of animals also shines through as she recounts the stories of six horses that changed the way humans live, travel, fight, work, and play.Liz lives in Toronto with her husband, Paul, and their cat Cosimo. While she writes, he is usually sprawled across her desk—often right on the book she needs for research!

Elizabeth MacLeod's profile page


Frieda Wishinsky
est l'auteure de plus de 40 livres pour enfants. Parmi les ouvrages déjà
parus, on peut citer, entre autres,

Ounga Bounga, Tu es méchante Lily-Ange!, Le sac à main de la reine,
Canada en vedette

et les romans de la série Catastrophe! Elle vit à Toronto, en


FRIEDA WISHINSKY has written over seventy books for children, including Oonga Boonga; You're Mean, Lily Jean; the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award winner Please, Louise!; the middle-grade series Survival, and the non-fiction books Explorers Who Made It . . . or died trying; Everything but the Kitchen Sink and Colossal Canada. Frieda lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband. Visit her online at

Frieda Wishinsky's profile page

Jenn Playford has over 20 years' experience illustrating creative solutions in the field of editorial, publishing, advertising and product design, and her work has been showcased in Communication Arts and How magazine. Some of her clients include Zoomer magazine, Food Illustrated (UK), the LA Times, Delta Airlines, United Way, Running Press, Klutz Publishing and Galison/Mudpuppy. Recently her illustrations have been animated into videos for the Royal Bank of Canada and Jenn grew up in Europe and Toronto, and her international experiences have greatly influenced her, along with a passion for design, fashion and books. She now lives in Victoria, British Columbia, with her two children.


Jenn Playford's profile page


  • Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award (RMBA)
  • Commended, Children’s Book Council & National Council for Social Studies Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People
  • Nominated, Young Readers' Choice Book Awards of British Columbia (YRCABC) Red Cedar Book Awards
  • Commended, BC Books for BC Schools

Editorial Reviews

“The readable, chatty style and the humanity of the people and projects depicted make this a thoughtful and encouraging read for young people.”

Canadian Children's Book News

“Inspiring and uplifting, this is a book that can make an impact for children wanting to learn more, or who want to get out there and make their own small difference in their world.”

Sal's Fiction Addiction

“To be commended for the varied and diverse range of activists…It is important and meaningful. Highly Recommended.”

CM: Canadian Review of Materials

“This volume will ­inspire readers to conduct further investigation into the movements that excite them, and they might be spurred to stand up and make their voices heard.”

School Library Journal