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Nye de l’île de Sable

by Bree Galbraith

illustrated by Marion Arbona

translated by Rachel Martinez

Orca Book Publishers
Publication date
Apr 2021
Social Studies
Grade Levels
k to 7
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2021
    List Price
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2021
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

This book will complement social justice picture book collections. Two nations unquestioningly accept that one island will devote itself to building sandcastles while the other island will regularly catapult rocks across the water to destroy its neighbour’s creations. Life has always been like this until a young girl challenges the status quo and proposes a creative way for both communities to coexist harmoniously. While the tone and illustrations are bright and optimistic, sophisticated readers will recognize critical thinking topics like national identity, armed conflict, citizenship, and conformity to societal norms. Themes such as courage, dealing with anger, and gender roles will support thinking about students’ personal identities in the world. Galbraith’s website contains a book discussion guide for ages 3–12 with questions and project ideas. | Also available in French, translated by Rachel Martinez.

32 pp., 8.75 × 10.75", colour illustrations

Source: Association of Book Publishers of BC - BC Books for Schools (2021)

About the authors

BREE GALBRAITH is a UBC Master of Creative Writing graduate and author of award winning titles, Once Upon a Balloon (Orca 2013), and Milo and Georgie (2017). Usha and the Stolen Sun is Bree’s third book, and several more follow in the coming years, including the Wednesday Wilson series (Kids Can Press 2020-22). She lives in the heart of Vancouver with her family, where when she’s not writing, she’s definitely outside enjoying the wonders of the west coast.

Bree Galbraith's profile page

After obtaining a diploma in film animation at Les arts Décoratifs de Paris, French artist Marion Arbona started working as an illustrator for children’s books. Her illustrations, painted with gouache, are colorful and funny. She likes to draw fully detailed scenes. When she is not drawing, she is particularly interested in deep sea fish, cats (even though she is allergic) and weird plants. Marion was awarded several illustration prizes in the USA and in Canada where she lived for 10 years. She returned to live in Paris in 2015.


Marion Arbona's profile page

Depuis une vingtaine d’années, Rachel Martinez a publié plus de quatre-vingts traductions dans des domaines variés pour des éditeurs francophones réputés : roman, arts visuels, récit, biographie, essai et littérature jeunesse. Elle a fait partie du conseil consultatif du Centre international de traduction littéraire de Banff de 2017 jusqu’à sa dissolution en 2019, et a siégé plusieurs années au conseil d’administration de l’Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada. Une mention sur la Liste d’honneur 2014 de l’International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) et le Prix des libraires du Québec 2017 (catégorie 12-17 ans, hors Québec) figurent parmi les marques de reconnaissance qu’elle a reçues. Elle a remporté en 2005 le prix du Gouverneur général du Canada en traduction française pour Glenn Gould, une vie de Kevin Bazzana et a été finaliste en 2013 et 2015.


Rachel Martinez's profile page


  • Commended, BC Books for Schools

Editorial Reviews

“Introduit une héroïne qui n’a pas froid aux yeux, qui suit son intuition et qui se lève, qui parle et qui manifeste pour se protéger.”

Chez Mme Alex! blog