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nimosôm anima—nimihšōmihš ta-minciwēnciman

Grandfather's Reminder

by Alberta-Rose Bear & Kathleen O'Reilly

illustrated by Lindsey Bear

Your Nickel's Worth Publishing
Publication date
Jun 2022
English Language Arts, Science
ancestors, connectedness to nature, cultural teachings, respect, sustainability
Grade Levels
k to 4
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Jun 2022
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

The story of Grandfather’s Reminder is told in paskwâwinîmowin (Plains Cree), anihšināpēmowin (Saulteaux), and English. Grandfather shares Traditional kKowledge by showing the way, with the narrator’s sister explaining the Protocols, teaching his grandchildren the importance of learning from place.

Grandfather teaches how to gather berries in a good way: waiting until the berries are ready, giving thanks before starting, and carefully choosing which berries to pick. He shares the need to remember that the berries are meant to sustain many living creatures, not just people, and if we care for the gifts from the land, those gifts will be there for generations to come.
This book won a Saskatchewan Book Award and a Next Generation Indie Book Award.

Other End Matter: Pronunciation guide, glossary
Images: Colour illustrations
Contributor Affiliation: Authors Alberta-Rose Bear (Cree from George Gordon First Nation), Kathleen O’Reilly, Illustrator Lindsey Bear (Cree from George Gordon First Nation), Editor Andrew Miller, Translators Solomon Ratt (āmaciwīspimowinihk (Stanley Mission)), Lorena “Lynn” Cote (Cote First Nation), Margaret Cote (Cote First Nation)
Bibliography: No
Index: No

Evaluator: Alethea S., Elementary School Teacher, Indigenous Books for Schools

About the authors

Alberta-Rose Bear is a Cree First Nation woman from George Gordon First Nation and a recent graduate of the First Nations University of Canada Indigenous Education program. Alberta teaches Grade 1 at George Gordon First Nation. Her culture and heritage will always be deeply rooted in her life.Dr. Kathleen O’Reilly is a professor in the Department of Indigenous Education, Health, and Social Work at First Nations University of Canada. She teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in social justice, language, literacy, and research with Indigenous peoples. Her main areas of research include memories of school, self-study, and Indigenizing the Academy.

Alberta-Rose Bear's profile page

Kathleen O'Reilly's profile page

Lindsey Bear is a Cree woman from the George Gordon First Nation. Like her sister, Alberta, Lindsey is a recent graduate of the First Nations University of Canada Indigenous Education Program. When not teaching Grade 8 in her home community of George Gordon’s First Nation, Lindsey enjoys painting, drawing, and beading.

Lindsey Bear's profile page