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The Voyage

by Stéphane Servant

illustrated by Audrey Spiry

Greystone Books Ltd
Publication date
Apr 2024
Applied Design, Career Education, English Language Arts, Skills and Technologies
body, mind and spirit, identity, transformation, self-discovery
Grade Levels
k to 5
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2024
    List Price

Where to buy it

Descriptive Review

The Voyage is a beautifully illustrated picture book that conveys a metaphorical journey of self-discovery through the main character’s dream of finding what lies beyond the horizon. This story encompasses themes around learning as a lifelong enterprise, that everything we learn helps us to discover skills, and that confidence grows through self-discovery to support Career Education. As the main character builds a boat to set sail on their voyage, they model how designs grow out of curiosity. In addition, the main character’s determination, resilience, and perseverance model skills that are pivotal to the ADST curriculum. The key message in the story helps young students understand that when presented with a challenge, there will be obstacles to overcome, mistakes to learn from, and opportunities to explore new ways of thinking that are all a part of the process in the learning journey. It’s not always the end result that counts but the skills, experiences, and lessons learned along the way.

Other End Matter: None
Images: Colour illustrations
Bibliography: No
Index: No

Evaluator: Shannon S., School Librarian, BC Books for Schools

About the authors

Stéphane Servant is an award-winning author based in France, who has written dozens of books for adults and children.

Stéphane Servant's profile page

Audrey Spiry is an animator, illustrator, and graphic novel author.

Audrey Spiry's profile page