Indigenous Books

Niitu and Chips: Childhood Moments

Amazing L’nu’k
A Celebration of the People of Mi’kma’ki

Killing the Wittigo
Indigenous Culture-Based Approaches to Waking Up, Taking Action, and Doing the Work of Healing

Spells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead
ᒪᒪᐦᑖᐃᐧᓯᐃᐧᐣ ᐸᑯᓭᔨᒧᐤ ᓂᑭᐦᒋ ᐋᓂᐢᑯᑖᐹᐣ mamahtâwisiwin, pakosêyimow, nikihci-âniskotâpân

Phoenix ani’ Gichichi-i’/Phoenix Gets Greater

Moving Upstream

Forever Our Home / kâkikê kîkinaw

Bernice and the Georgian Bay Gold

We Belong to the Drum / mistikwaskihk kitipêyimikonaw

Heart Berry Bling

The Little Folk

awāsi-nēhiyawēwin masinahikanis ayisīyiniwak—A Little Plains Cree Colouring Book
Plains Cree People

The girl who became part fish

A Conversation about Storytelling

As I Enfold You in Petals