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Indigenous Books

Niitu and Chips: Childhood Moments

illustrated by Babah Kalluk

Amazing L’nu’k

A Celebration of the People of Mi’kma’ki

by Julie Pellissier-Lush & Robin Grant
illustrated by James Bentley

Killing the Wittigo

Indigenous Culture-Based Approaches to Waking Up, Taking Action, and Doing the Work of Healing

by Suzanne Methot

Spells, Wishes, and the Talking Dead

ᒪᒪᐦᑖᐃᐧᓯᐃᐧᐣ ᐸᑯᓭᔨᒧᐤ ᓂᑭᐦᒋ ᐋᓂᐢᑯᑖᐹᐣ mamahtâwisiwin, pakosêyimow, nikihci-âniskotâpân

by Wanda John-Kehewin

Phoenix ani’ Gichichi-i’/Phoenix Gets Greater

by Marty Wilson-Trudeau
illustrated by Megan Kyak-Monteith
with Phoenix Wilson
translated by Kelvin Morrison

Moving Upstream

by Mary Barnes

Forever Our Home / kâkikê kîkinaw

by Tonya Simpson
illustrated by Carla Joseph
translated by Jean Okimāsis

Bernice and the Georgian Bay Gold

by Jessica Outram

We Belong to the Drum / mistikwaskihk kitipêyimikonaw

by Sandra Lamouche
illustrated by Azby Whitecalf
translated by Dolores Greyeyes Sand

Heart Berry Bling

by Jenny Kay Dupuis
illustrated by Eva Campbell

The Little Folk

by Levi Illuitok
illustrated by Steve James

awāsi-nēhiyawēwin masinahikanis ayisīyiniwak—A Little Plains Cree Colouring Book

Plains Cree People

by Patricia Deiter & Allen J.(.A.J.).;. Ballantyne, Elmer Felix
illustrated by Aleigha Agecoutay


The girl who became part fish

by Willie Poll
illustrated by Bailey Macabre


A Conversation about Storytelling

by Joshua Whitehead
with Angie Abdou

As I Enfold You in Petals

by Richard Van Camp
illustrated by Scott B. Henderson
colorist Donovan Yaciuk
letterer Nickolej Villiger

The Woman and Her Bear Cub

retold by Jaypeetee Arnakak
illustrated by Dayna B. Griffiths

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