BC Books

L’Homme à la barbe hirsute

The Wrench

People Like Frank
And other stories from the edge of normal

The Girl Who Was Convinced Beyond All Reason That She Could Fly

Animals Brag About Their Bottoms

The Rise of Wolf 8
Witnessing the Triumph of Yellowstone's Underdog

The Reign of Wolf 21
The Saga of Yellowstone's Legendary Druid Pack

Catch the Sky

The Diary of Dukesang Wong
A Voice from Gold Mountain

Angry Weather
Heat Waves, Floods, Storms, and the New Science of Climate Change

Lilliana and the Frogs

Ancient Bones
Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human

Plasticus Maritimus
An Invasive Species

Orange Shirt Day
September 30th

Outlasting the Weather
Selected & New Poems 1994-2020